Sunday, February 1, 2009


So I consider myself to have the immune system of a horse having lived with 70 ladies in college but this is a whole new kitten caboodle. There is this bug that everyone gets within the first 2 weeks here and I totally 100% have it. We all do everything together, work, party, cook, hangout. Literally we are a petree dish of germs. It is pretty crappy to be sick, but I think I am getting over it and the jet lag seems to be subsiding. Everyone says it takes about 2 weeks to get on track here so I am already half way done with this madness. Speaking of madness. Since I am sick I have been taking an ambien to sleep thru the night. The last few nights I have been waking up with these strange memories. They range from making myself a snack to stumbling through the abrams hallways. So this morning I confirmed that these memories are actually fact.. I have been sleep walking!!! So you know when you hear all those crazy facts about Ambien and people driving cars and stuff. Well it is all TRUE!!!
So back to my life here.
Anyone that knows me at all knows that I love a bargain and getting a good deal on my purchases. The Px and the commissary are these two stores on base with THE cheapest groceries around. I got a gallon of OJ and meds for a whopping 5:90 yesterday. So I love that place and it will probably jade me forever.
So the US ski team is here in Garmisch. It is been pretty fun to see this little town in full swing. There are people everywhere but we have all been warned to stay away from the single soldiers. Tonight is the super bowl. It airs at 12:00pm here so we will all be at bar till 4:00am. GO CARDINALS!!
Besides waking up at 3:00am everyday and being sick everything else is great here. I have a few trips in the works such as Amsterdam, Prague, and Italy. I will keep you all posted on those.
Miss you Mean it.