Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 3 and I am feeling Insane in the Membrane!!!

I was hoping that this feeling would go away, but it hasn't. This place is still as bitchin and surreal as the first day I saw it. Right now since I dont start work till Thursday my one and only task given to me is to stay up as late as possible each night, and the best way to get to sleep and stay asleep is to drink yourself into a coma. So literally during the day I fill out paperwork and bum around. Then between the hours of about 11:00 and 4:00 I am pretty much brain dead. For example.... I was in a shop asking about a cell phone.. The clerk asked me if I needed help I guess.. I would have sworn up and down this man was speaking German. I told him I don't speak German to which he replied "I am America speak English and you must be in processing for the resort." So anyways back to my last two days. After my insane period I then suddenly feel like a Million Euros and could run thru a wall if I wanted. On Monday we went to cheap pizza night at Peaches. Where everyone buys the "newbies"drinks and tries to keep them awake. At about 2:00am and wayyyyyy to many liters this was accomplished. Last night was cheap burgers night at the ski lodge where I was instructed to just keep drinking!!! Once again I drank myself into a stupor and slept, except this time I woke up at 3:00am completely alert and wide awake. So now it is about 1:30pm here and to stay awake till my bewitching drunk hour I am going to take a ski lesson.
Life is good here. Everyone is here for the same purpose. To have fun and travel a lot. Which is why I came. So I am pretty much as happy as a clam with some strawberry jam. Miss you mean it!!

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