Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Salzberg and More

Gutan tag everybody!!!.. Sorry for being absent the past few weeks but shit has been Papayas.... Between trying to get adjusted to this crazy lifestyle which is a mixture of a college dorm and a half way house I have just forgotten to keep all my main squeezes posted on my adventures.. I will start with one of my favorite cities thus far.  Salzberg... I recommending going  right now! The city of beautiful, filled with bridges, castles and Cathedrals!!! I went with two of my good friends here Mandy and Noah.. Mandy reminds me a lot of Boob!!! She is Catholic and every step she takes out of the church is pretty much a step to hell, but she is hilarious with one of the driest sense of humor I have ever encounters.  Of course she is also a little crazy because I would say that all of my friends have a streak of crazy in them.  Noah is a super chill guy from somewhere outside of DC.  He was in the Navy for 4 years before he got here but he is the only kid here that has served.  The things about this place is that everyone has such a different and amazing story as to what brought them here.  It is pretty strange but even after being here for a month I still feel like there are people here I have not met.  

Ok back to Salzberg.  Thank god me and Mandy had a boy with us because there is a huge fortress there that has been taken over by pretty much everyone but most famously by that little midget of a man Napoleon! But having Noah there was like bring a 12 year old kid.  He was running for archer windows to cannons to torture rooms like it was going out of style... It was super fun to get into it. Also the history behind the whole place is daunting. 

I have figured out that as boring as scenery pictures are to others when you show them off.  They are just a must have on my adventures here.  The landscape and architecture is surreal and it helps me put life, time and the important things into prospective  Miss you all much... Love...

My next adventure is Amsterdam at the end of March.. 

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